Long time no post!

It’s been a very long time since my last post, I know. If you visit the main site you will see a snippet of what has taken me away from it for a bit. Work! life! work! health! work! the usual stuff. But it’s finally gotten to the point that I needed to do some … [Read more…]

Back in the land of the living

It’s been a really tough couple of months, and not because it was the holidays! 😉  I was working really hard on a new website that we were launching at work.  Work on the site started the first week of November and we launched mid-January.  Gotta tell ya it was the hardest I have had … [Read more…]

Long time no update

Been extremely busy at work these days as we build a new website.  Unfortunately all of the UI building fell on my shoulders with almost no help.  And to top it off the design is not one that could easily be built (yes I said it, BAD DESIGN).  So I have no time, energy, or … [Read more…]

Geeking Out

I have done nothing but work on my website every night for the past few days:  cleaning code, adding functionality to the homepage, cleaning up my php scripts.   I have been a total geek.  I’ve even been staying up way too late and not getting enough sleep because of my geekdom.  But the finish line … [Read more…]

GoDaddy Fiasco

All I can say is: “DON’T DO IT!”  That would be in response to someone asking me about GoDaddy’s hosting service.  I’m sure many have had no issues with them, but I had them from the beginning. Setup wasn’t very straightforward… they don’t even send you your access/login information via email.  They don’t send you … [Read more…]