In the wake of social unrest fueled by the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, actress/social activist Danai Gurira (The Walking Dead & Black Panther) began having difficult conversations around the topic of race with her white friends. These discussions were recorded and posted online as a blueprint for others to have similar discussions.
Inspired by her efforts, I felt compelled to do the same. Brad stepped up to the plate for this inaugural effort, and I can’t thank him enough for his willingness to participate. Editing is minimal, and I’ve broken it up into two chunks for easier listening.
Part 1
Some discussion points: Brad’s background, FB post that spurred our conversation, how ‘whiteness’ played into the 2020 election and public discourse, being an ally.
Part 2
Some discussion points: silencing Black voices, whitesplaining, amnesia to our BLM reckoning, where do race relations go from here, is there hope.